Which Retailers Accept American Express?

Despite American Express cards offering some of the best point and cashback earning credit cards in the UK, the myth of low retailer acceptance rates continues to have an effect on consumer uptake. Many retailers used to reject American Express as a means of payment, largely due to higher fees, but as fees declined and uptake rose, more and more started accepting Amex cards as a means of payment.

The change has been significant, especially in the past 10 years. Whilst some smaller stores still reject Amex, the increasing uptake of Point of Sale systems (as opposed to traditional cash registers) has helped to expand American Express acceptance to small businesses, pop-up stores and even mobile food trucks.

As acceptance continues to grow, asking “Do you take Amex?” in expectation of rejection will increasingly become a thing of the past.

Use PayPal When American Express Isn't Accepted

When a retailer doesn’t accept American Express but does accept PayPal, you can take advantage of that to pay with your American Express card and earn American Express points or cashback as normal. That’s because you can pay with your American Express card through PayPal. There are still a few cases where the Amex option isn’t available when paying with PayPal but that’s rare.

  • If You Have A PayPal Account - Link your Amex card to speed up payments (PayPal > Wallet > Link A Card)

  • If You Don’t Have PayPal Account - Click ‘Pay With PayPal’ then enter your Amex card details when you pay

PayPal Referral: Get £10 when you’re referred and spend/send £5. Contact me to get a personal referral link.

Use PayPal When American Express Isn't Directly Accepted UK

PayPal Doesn’t Offer The Same Legal Buyer Protection

When you pay with your American Express card directly on a retailers website, that comes with certain, legal protections for you as the consumer. Section 75 protection, for example, means American Express takes joint responsibility with the retailer if there’s something wrong with a £100+ purchase (up to £30,000).

When you pay with PayPal, they do offer PayPal Buyer Protection, where they’ll reimburse you for eligible purchases. Just bear in mind this isn’t a legal guarantee.

Which Online Stores And Subscriptions Accept American Express?

Below, I’ve listed a range of popular online retailers and subscription services that accept American Express ether directly or through PayPal. I’ve broken down the list into categories (Clothing, Entertainment/Subscriptions, Food, General Retail and Travel).

Clothing Stores That Take American Express

Entertainment/Subscriptions That Take American Express

Food Options That Take American Express

General Retail Stores That Take American Express

Travel Options That Take American Express

Wondering if a specific retailer accepts American Express? Comment below for a fast response or message me on Twitter @AndrewYBlogs or Instagram @capitalmattersblog.